Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 21 August 2013

What the stars foretell

Having ranted on about astrology, I must do a "scientific" test.  So - the major transits - according to my chart - i.e. personal to me, the hour of my birth (and a few thousand others born at the same time) which are coming up are as follows:

Pluto trine Mars: ends December 2013 Great feats, energy, drive for success, influence over others, making tremendous efforts to succeed and working very hard; this will re-build my self-confidence and enable me to believe in myself again

Have certainly been working fairly hard... and making efforts to succeed.  The transit does not suggest one will succeed however. Self-belief was doing OK - but have had several massive blips of despair.  These predictions (from the astrodienst website) don't bother about which houses the transits effect - perhaps because it doesn't matter - but given that Pluto is in 2nd/3rd house (money, possession, communications,siblings, cousins, local travel) and Mars is in 7th (partnerships) one would expect to see some sort of progress there.  But maybe the houses and their rulerships matter less (this wouldn't surprise me). 

Neptune trine Neptune: ends January 2014 (also Neptune trine Ascendant)  Greater empathy, sensitivity to others, compassion, sympathy.  An attraction to mysticism - increased idealism. Willingless to support others for no return...  Tending to idealise people, the need to escape to an inner world, also reflecting on one's own inadequacies.  A teacher or influential person may enter your life

Actually, I have been very supportive - but usually support not wanted, I have had sympathy for those I previously thought rather tough.  I have also had less and less time for really annoying irritating people and have had little empathy for them.  I don't think I've idealised people much - feet of clay have been appearing everywhere - escape to an inner world?  I do that all the time.  No gurus so far... Neptune in 4th house - trine Neptune in 1st - suggests personal stuff and domestic stuff - fair enough.  Don't think I've been idealising the family - support for no return just about sums up the housewife's lot (but M has been v. good recently).

Most of these are transits that are nearly over; the only one just starting (Jupiter sextile Mars) that could be subjected to some sort of scrutiny is this one.  I am putting it here in full so that I can pick it over when it ends in March. I have highlighted the more positive bits - which I would particularly like to be true.  We will see.

This is a time of high energy and independent initiative. You feel very self-confident and capable of tackling almost anything within reason. It is a good time to start a project, and most activities that you take up now should have a successful outcome. However, you must take some positive action in order to get the most out of this influence. It brings you opportunities, but you have to pick them up. However, this should not be much of a problem because this influence usually makes you feel like taking action.
You are unusually clear now about what you intend to do in any situation. Your will is strong, and you aim at achieving certain very definite goals. You can act decisively and with conviction. Under an influence like this you can convince other people of your point of view and get them to follow your lead. In fact, this is an unusually good time for working with other people because you can get others to identify their interests with yours.
Everything you do is aimed at enlarging your sphere of interests. You do not act out of petty motives, always having high-minded and high-level goals in mind. Others will respect your obvious integrity, which will make them more willing to help you.
If you have to go to a court of law at this time, the proceedings should turn out to your benefit. In fact, the chances are that you will be able to work out a compromise that will be advantageous to both parties.
Professional success is likely at this time, because of your excellent sense of timing and your ability to take advantage of every opportunity that comes along. You should be able to advance yourself without alienating others. They will recognize that your success is well deserved.

I hope I won't have to go to court - I am not sure about convincing other people of my point of view, but it would be nice if I could persuade agents and publishers that The Romantic Feminist was a novel they really wanted to publish.   The only problem is how to remember to check this prediction in March.  But no doubt I will be too busy fending off admirers, gurus and others to be maintaining a blog.  Jupiter is in 9th, Mars in 7th - again suggesting publishing/partnerships ... it's another of these "if not now, when?" transits - which seem to perfectly reflect things happening in your life... but don't necessarily predict a great outcome.  We shall see.

The question is...
Why favour one transit over another - why not highlight Uranus sextile Venus - surprising lurve opportunities? Or Uranus trine Saturn - which sounds potentially exciting to me... I've got Saturn in 2nd house (money) - so that might suggesting positive surprises/opportunities in that area.  There are a whole lot of transits going on...Saturn opp Mars might be a bummer... especially with Mars in 7th house - but no one's highlighted that one.  Oh dear, if I carry on like this, I may find myself persuading myself to do it myself - a bit more carefully.  The object of this exercise was to give up astrology - not do it harder.  Perhaps what I should simply do is give up Susan Miller

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