Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 7 March 2011

Oops. I didn't think of that.

I created this blog at the behest of colleagues at the local chapter of the Society of Authors - well we were all asked to do it.   It did not occur to me that I would be called upon to share the result.... so if they are reading this - Hello!

Today has been a dies sine linea (apart from this of course).  I had the usual Monday morning meeting with S to discuss the business; she had been working v. hard, and has discovered that none of the people we wanted to get in touch with were available on Friday afternoon.... all skived off for the weekend.  I'd never quite seen Thanet as the land of dolce far niente before - but I'm beginning to suspect.

Today was fabulously sunny.  After S left I managed 3.5 minutes staring at the garden before L arrived.  I can't quite think of her as a close friend, because I came across her in inauspicious circumstances and because she loathes one of my other friends, so I always slightly wonder about her.  This unusual for me, I'm given to opinions + acceptance of person with their (and my) limitations.  In this case my opinion has still not  formed, hence lack of total acceptance... I think I'm uneasy because she does this sort of PR stuff too - and even though we are miles apart in our aims and objectives... I can't help feeling she's pumping me to see what we're up to. 

Then I faffed about for a bit - looking at to do lists, opening unwelcome communications from the bank, and finally opened my emails to find that AA's Dover job is still on (eventually) - and that the manager is not quite the sociopathic timewaster we'd previously thought.  Then I had lunch and M came down and we wandered into the garden and preened ourselves on the level of biodiversity we had achieved in such a small area.  There were loads of bees today, mostly interesting themselves in the winter flowering clematis(es).   I cut back some dead bits and avoided the ever increasing output from local cats. 

After this I went to D for my last reflexology session.  I would never have dreamt of doing this, but as she is training and needs people to practice on I agreed.  I am really glad I did.  Ever since it started I have felt much more energised and less lethargic... it hasn't been a panacaea - there have been days of listlessness when I could have posed for one of those medieval paintings of Accidia... but overall I feel better.  More scientifically I could put this down to the lengthening days - which always cheer me up.  The theory is that it is qi!  but I've never really believed in qi - assuming it's just a pre-scientific way of explaining something physical, but maybe there is some sort of "life-force" - a scientist of my acquaintance thinks there is - which makes me wonder about his scientific credentials...

Anyway, D was really lovely and sweet.  She's had such a tough time in the last few years, and although things are better they are not quite better enough.  I still don't know how old she is.   She still gets odd bits of work film making and keeps going with students etc.  but if she can get reflexology work it might suit her better - since it's a nice sitting down sort of job and I think jumping around with a whole video kit might be less of an option for her now.  She's also feeling cross because she just can't finish her novel... this has been going on for such a long time... she's been nearly there since before she went into hospital - autumn 2009 I think... that was when we were exchanging notes on our oeuvres... she just can't bring herself to do it I think.  It's a shame because it seems a very good, popular sort of premise, loads of people would like it.  I haven't read much of it - so I don't know how the characters develop, but assuming it's all pretty competent I would have thought she had a better chance of getting published than me.

I came home full of good intentions which I promptly squandered by listening Radio 4 - Rupert Murdoch - and the question of belief in everlasting life - and food security in Japan and fiddling around with FBook etc.

M is going to a tenor rehearsal for the choir so I made an early supper and now I am free to do all the things I should have done earlier, but it's only 6.35 so there is time to input dozens of names for the next emailshot for AA - and perhaps re-write the synopsis for TFY.   And who knows, write 50 words of Conscience.   One thing I am not going to do is write any more of this.

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