Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 19 August 2011

Fame at Last?

I was in Waitrose just now and saw a friend at the deli counter.  "I'm enjoying your blog" she said.
"Which one?" I said nervously "the food one?" (this is my "out" blog).
"No, the more - introspective one."
I was rather amazed that she'd found it, but it shows it can be done.  A timely reminder that I need to be more diplomatic in my comments on Ramsgate affairs and inter-relationships, not that I think I've said anything very upsetting, but if she can find out, no doubt others can.  

My first brush with fame today was interviewing Wendy Cope on the phone today for the Gazette.  She was rather more formal than I'd expected, but perhaps a certain reserve necessary in a poet whose feelings have been widely paraded.  She said of her early poems "Well, I was a young single woman then" and was keen to stress how much more contented she was now.   All familiar stuff.

Now I have done some of the things I ought today, so I will go and have a bath and wash my hair and generally beautify myself for the SoA do.   Sad that Simon won't be there - but Eyvor is very kindly giving me a lift.  Bad news, as it means I can drink - because I have to be up at sparrow's flatulence tomorrow to run a market stall.   Perhaps I can revise some Menander while I'm on the stall.  Several people have said they are "looking forward" to it.   Ooo-er.

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