Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 10 August 2011


I have done all my tasks - everything is sorted - well, one or two unfinished bits, but it means I can sit at the computer without feeling guilty.   I will do one or two other things, but tomorrow is shopping - finance - Broadstairs - leaflet distribution... more agreeable on the whole.

Of course it is still about 3 weeks to the festival so plenty of time to things to go wrong - and be righted and go wrong again.... really hope things are OK.  Connoisseurs can probably tell from my prose style that I am tired - seems to be my permanent condition.    Somehow even my rest periods are task laden - Sunday for example I will be getting up and going to Cippenham and feeding my father's desire for home cooking... well  I must just get on with it - it will be a change anyway.

Whatever happened to lying in the sun and powering through novels and history book without worrying about having to do anything?  

All efforts to save money for future holidays undermined by the necessity to pay for MoT tests and the like (our car failed, and we should have a bill of about £380.)  Oh well, another invoice is going in tomorrow - so we can scrape by somehow.  I really want a proper holiday next year - not just a couple of days snatched here and there.  I don't think a long weekend in Belgium would count really.

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