Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Why am I not writing about politics? I think it is because UK politics are so depressing at present.  One feels things getting worse.  This wretched government have been in for two years and things are definitely worse than when they took charge.  They've cut jobs in local government and the civil service, they're cutting everything they can find - there's nothing left to privatise apart from the post office and the National Health Service - so they have their claws into those.  As for their attempts to be green, they seem to do nothing but back pedal.

Today (or was it yesterday) they announced they would permit fracking on the mainland..  I hate that idea so much.   There is a local village called Wodnesborough - near Sandwich, where they are exploring for shale gas already.  It's not the most beautiful village in the world - but the thought of it is upsetting.  There is also a certain history of earthquakes (only very tiny ones) in the East Kent area - one of which, in the 15th C I think, half destroyed St Mary's church in Sandwich, which was re-built as a result.  Given that fracking has caused mild earthquakes in Blackpool then the chances of it happening here are better than good.

The reason I haven't been writing about politics and the environment in the last few months is because it makes me despair - I can't bear it. The interconnection between the domestic economy and our economy is too painful. There is nothing we can do.  Conservative governments always do this, inherit a difficult situation and make it worse, close off all the possibilities for real change, the kind of change this country needs.  It hardens the class differences - I think it's made me more determined to write - because they can't do much to stop that.  

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