Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Sunday 15 April 2012

A sunny day in the garden

Yesterday was good - spent a lot of time in the garden - and today again I intended to go into the garden, but it's now nearly 3.00pm and I've been sleeping.   Think it's still this weird post-viral, labyrinthitis thing... I felt really fit yesterday, today nothing.

The garden is really small - about 20 x 30m - but there's an extra strip beside the house about 8m x 2m.  The strip doesn't get much sun - so I am always experimenting with shade loving plants - many of which seem not to survive the the conditions.  There's a lot of ground cover - woodruff asperula (also known as Snailheim) in which tiny snails reside, dashing out to destroy flowers... all my erythroniums were eaten before they had a chance to flower.

An epimedium - currently flowering in my garden - this was taken last year. Not perfectly in focus - might take some more today.

We dug up a great deal of ivy - so that we could put a trellis in to put a clematis tangutica on it.  I also discovered that it is almost certainly true that the tulips and daffs that came up blind had not been planted deeply enough, so I am going to replant some of them and hope that next year they'll do much better.

Mark mowed the lawn, I moved some plants around and need to finish planting today.  I also discovered a packet of 5 white lillies I had ordered in autumn which had over wintered in the shed by accident.  I know have about a dozen lillies in pots, which is great - and another 5 to plant in one of the flower beds - if I can risk it.   I have discovered that camassia like damp soil - so I'm thinking of transferring them to the spot near the camellia and put others near the pond.

Meanwhile the apple tree and the quince tree are about to burst into flower.... and the red and black tulips should be out by next Sunday - I am really looking forward to it.   The early roses (Lady Hillingdon, Mary Rose) have visible buds.  And the red leaves on the crab apple are out - the pink blossom will follow soon.   Spring is quite exciting.    The only problem is the water situation.   We are not allowed to use hoses, and it's been dry for a week.  Heavy work with the watering cans required I think.!

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