The English are famous for writing about the weather, or talking about it. I have largely eschewed this in this blog, because it can be boring. However today it is just pissing me off and I will comment. For the last two weeks the weather has been intermittently wet and windy - there have been several days of beautiful sunshine - Friday was one - but it was also blowing a gale. Last weekend was rather lucky.
I am rather a wimp about bad weather - and seaside bad weather is much much worse than London bad weather. Our roof has held up - although a laminated slate came down in the front garden, and the really heavy rain/hail has put some pressure on the vulnerable spots.
But I particularly hate high winds at this time of year - clumps of leaves and blossoms and rosebuds litter the ground - the red crabapple flower is opening - but also being blown to bits.
I feel the need to stay indoors - but I also hate it, because I need the outdoors - not in a dramatic way, but if I don't at least have 10 minutes in the garden every day I feel disconnected. Going out and looking at the developments in the garden is incredibly energising - it consoles my anxieties to see that, for example, the omphaloides cappadocia is finally flowering, or the buds on the sambucus niger are growing larger. I still have several plants to plant - and some plants to dig up. The campanula I planted a few years ago is desperate... I planted it as ground cover in an attempt to smother the oxalis, but it's almost worse. I want to get a clump of it up and plant an uvularia grandiflora. I also want to reduce the ranks of the geranium macrorrhizum once it has flowered. It is ground cover too - but has gone mad, and even the geranium endressi has gone beyond its bounds and is smothering the batalini tulips and provide a hostel for snails.
However today will not be the day to tackle these problems. Maybe we can go to the cinema this afternoon - if there's anything on.
I am rather a wimp about bad weather - and seaside bad weather is much much worse than London bad weather. Our roof has held up - although a laminated slate came down in the front garden, and the really heavy rain/hail has put some pressure on the vulnerable spots.
But I particularly hate high winds at this time of year - clumps of leaves and blossoms and rosebuds litter the ground - the red crabapple flower is opening - but also being blown to bits.
I feel the need to stay indoors - but I also hate it, because I need the outdoors - not in a dramatic way, but if I don't at least have 10 minutes in the garden every day I feel disconnected. Going out and looking at the developments in the garden is incredibly energising - it consoles my anxieties to see that, for example, the omphaloides cappadocia is finally flowering, or the buds on the sambucus niger are growing larger. I still have several plants to plant - and some plants to dig up. The campanula I planted a few years ago is desperate... I planted it as ground cover in an attempt to smother the oxalis, but it's almost worse. I want to get a clump of it up and plant an uvularia grandiflora. I also want to reduce the ranks of the geranium macrorrhizum once it has flowered. It is ground cover too - but has gone mad, and even the geranium endressi has gone beyond its bounds and is smothering the batalini tulips and provide a hostel for snails.
However today will not be the day to tackle these problems. Maybe we can go to the cinema this afternoon - if there's anything on.
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