Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 18 October 2012

70's sex pest culture contd.

Remarkably I remembered some more "sex pest" incidents from my youth when we (Anna G, Kirstie and I) were discussing the dreaded Savile case at dinner last night: the coach driver at Aylesford, the Indian in the Tropical House at Kew - and the famous flasher Anna Cohen and I saw on the Tube on night.   I had rather forgotten these incidents - oh, and the wanker in Kensington Gardens - fortunately I was with my father that day (I was about 6 or 7).  Really, I seem to have spent half my childhood recovering from one minor assault or another.  How did I cope?  Clearly I was very lucky not to have suffered anything worse.  But I always have been very very lucky about sex - no rape, no unwanted pregnancy, no venereal disease and several really rather good lovers...worst thing ever to happen?  Going to bed with a couple of people out of boredom...that idiot toe sucker, the unwanted attempt at anal sex... rapidly repulsed.  I guess I have an adequate supply of haughtiness to rebuke such events.

Maybe "a lot of anger" sensed by my therapist, was also sensed by would-be assaulters - and they decided it was better not to risk it?  I don't know, would be interesting to know how often other girls experienced these incidents. Did I seem superficially more vulnerable - or was I just alone in the wrong places, with the wrong people?  Or maybe I didn't experience many of these events compared with others.

I don't think these events were especially frightening - except the coach driver - because he might not have let me get out of the coach... I wonder if they really had no great influence on me - or whether I just ostriched them?  I suppose what I find vaguely annoying about Coellie is that she rather wallows in all her pains - drags out the insults and goes over them - goes on courses to deal with them. Whereas I just try and get over them - to a certain extent I do rationalise them and to a certain extent that works.  I suppose it's a bit like CBT - when I think of an event and someone says "how awful, how ghastly" I'm often surprised, because I haven't dwellt on the what ifs, haven't thought about how much worse it could all have been...

She is clearly still very emotional about our mother and her relationship with her.  I am still upset that I feel so negative about her 3 years after her death.  But I understand from therapy that while one can understand a situation rationally, ie understand why my mother was so angry and upset about being pregnant with me, it doesn't necessarily help.  I could try going over it 22 times - but the truth is, I probably have and I doubt it has got much better so I think burying what one can't deal with or improve, may be unsatisfactory, but at least it doesn't prolong the agony. 

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