Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 19 October 2012

Comeuppance log: George Osborne

I am not a Tory, I have friends who are, but most of them are not allowed anywhere near government.  Actually, I have a visceral dislike of Tories MPs in general, and certain Tories in particular (I make a huge exception for Laura Sandys - who is a really nice Tory MP, honest!).  I have not liked George Osborne from the go-get.  He has this bland, almost doll-like demeanour that must be concealing something... initially it was concealing his very considerable ignorance of economics and finance.  I recall seeing him on the Andrew Marr show when he was shadow chancellor - he appeared not to understand the questions he was being asked whichever financial crisis was then unfolding (crashing banks? early stage of Eurozone? collapse of US banks? whatever..) and was quite unable to give a coherent economically literate answer (I am writing here in my capacity as a former business/financial journalist and merchant banker).

When Osborne became Chancellor he naturally set about making the usual Tory mistakes with the economy - i.e. adopting a stringently anti-Keynesian policy and as a result after two and a half years of effective recession, things are not looking great.  Whenever he speaks about the economy it is quite clear that he has no idea about how ordinary people live, work and struggle.  He thinks his silly little alterations will make very little difference to their lives.  He doesn't realise how marginally many of us are living - how a "small cut" can tip us over the edge.  How jobless people are not contributing to the exchequer - not paying taxes, not buying new things in shops, not supporting local businesses.  And thus, cutting us further, cuts the private sector (the hallowed, beloved private sector) and retail businesses continue to go bust.

Anyway, in short, he is a Bad Thing.  And today I feel full of glee, because he has been caught travelling First Class on a standard class ticket.  I am sure this will all be water off the government's well-oiled back, but perhaps it will help overturn the ludicrous coalition.  I am anticipating that the Lib-Dems will start to flex their muscles soon, in an effort to show the electorate that they are not only toothless and despicable but also desperate to be reaccepted.    I just feel the Osborne case is something to be savoured - and I am annoyed there is very little more about it yet on the news.  Think I'll have to go and check out Twitter.

Bullingdon values!

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