Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Submissions to agents...

Islam means submission to God's will... and there's something about the Islamic prostration about sending one's hard written, hard edited, hard considered work into agents.  There is a format, a right way to do it, and I am finding it harder and harder to follow the code and send a "sensible" letter in.  How can I say an agent represents the kind of writers I admire when I haven't even heard of half of them?  If I wanted to choose an agent by those criteria I would try Cardoc King or someone so superstunningly successful that they do not accept submissions...

Today has been dispiriting - I looked through my long list of agents, to try and find ones to whom I could submit electronically.  I discovered that my list (taken from the current W&A yearbook and which has already sifted out people who don't deal with my sort of work) is still full of drongos who don;t apparently even have a website.  Is this the sensible way to go about things?  Should I just write to them?  Or not bother because they are "too small" - then there are other agencies who say they are interested in literary fiction but apparently only tend writers who are writing MOR fiction - or thrillers.    Ultimately, when you take out those who are too grand, those who are too pathetic, and those who clearly wouldn't want to market your work, the number of UK agents I have not yet contacted is looking alarming - yes, there are still dozens, but I am feeling rather nervous. Will I run out of agents?  And then just start again with Vol 1 of Conscience?  Oh well, perhaps that's what will happen.   Meanwhile I am preparing to have multi copies of the first 50pp printed and hope for the best.  Of course, someone could ask tomorrow for a full read - which would save me some money!

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