Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 31 July 2013

At the Cinema

Our local cinema is generally considered a bit of a flea pit - it was once a theatre and still hosts theatrical productions.  There was one on there tonight, as a result the bar was open and a more cheerful air pervaded the place.  In winter it can be chilly and damp, but it's atmospheric, because it's on a cliff above the sea, so on a wild night it's quite fun.

Tonight we went to see The World's End - a Simon Pegg film with a cast of some of the usual suspects - and a great script.  I don't always like these films, but for some reason, perhaps because we'd already had a nice drink with Clare at supper, I found it terrifically funny and laughed all the way through.  I especially liked it when the mystical light was speaking to our hero at the end - and he said "Shut up you big lamp!" don't know why it made my laugh so much,.

What was extraordinary, on a Wednesday night in downtown Ramsgate was that the cinema was virtually full of people - wow!  Perhaps it was the £4 tickets - or perhaps it's Orange Wednesdays.  Or maybe the Granville is on the up.  It seemed cleaner and brighter - perhaps they are having some ideas.


  1. Sadly no Orange Wednesdays at the Granville. The dirty-red, dank, gum-struck,crushed deep-pile carpet had been pulled up to reveal lovely light grey, patchily patinated steps and aisles. Modernisation?

  2. Was that what it was? I thought it was the sight of Mandy Winters in the bar in silver lame that added to the weird and wonderful atmmosphere. And if no Orange Wednesdays, then it was even more of an achievement that it was so full...apparently it was back to usual levels of emptiness on Thursday for the same film.

    1. I'm always taken aback when I see Mandy. It's partly the mild adjustment of seeing an "international cabaret concert artiste", star, in the flesh and in Ms Winters case not beaming from a photo in the local rag. But it's not the flesh I focus on but the lifeless permanent demi-bouffant, half-up do! I even missed the silver lame.
      Here's our girl:-

    2. Yeah - the hair is something else (literally?). I saw her in panto once... She's not that famous is she, outside Thanet I mean? I no longer know what's real and what's just Thanetian.

      I think the dress was partly silver lame, didn't look too hard, not polite!
