Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Back to Schmoozin'

I went to a networking event yesterday.  It was surprisingly good - I met several people who were interested in the free marketing advice... very nice.  More people took my card than gave me theirs - and people removed it from the pile I left on the table.  So.... perhaps something will come of this.  I was also asked to do a quick PR for a conference - so hope that will happen.  It's only a tiny bit of money, but it's something.

No sign of S - I saw another S last night - and told her what was happening with the business - she said she thought S had a tendency to disappear for long periods and not be available - and she also said she assumed that S had a job and that HH was just something on the side.... if that were the case I wouldn't be so annoyed.   Actually, it made me laugh - because I thought it does rather show that other people have noticed her lack of committment, so it's not just me.

It will be interesting to see whether the prospect of some work will do anything to reel her in, but if she does have other work that she isn't telling me about then perhaps it will finally force her to admit this.

Meanwhile, the Thanetarium is becoming a reality - but we do need to sort out a lot of things - like a bank account, and so on.   We have several potential "free" advertisers for the dummy - and some writing available. 

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