Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Labyrinthitis bore

It continues - it is now Wednesday evening, I've had it for 5 days - I've been on Stematil - which has controlled the psychotic side effects (depression, anxiety, mania...) but hasn't stopped everything swooping around me every time I nod my head too emphatically, or turn over in bed, or raise my head from the pillow.

I managed quite well yesterday - got up, managed the house (i.e. gave orders to the rest of the family) oversaw working parties, and even did some cleaning and cooking (courgette quiche and pasta e fagioli for lunch - roast chicken and veg, chocolate mousse for supper).  Finn's friend A came, with his nice father M - and we had quite a jolly time.  I like M because he loves Ramsgate and I feel a terrible parochial pride - when he said today he didn't think Margate was as nice as Ramsgate I had an appalling moment of chauvinistic delight!  So much for my idea of "joined-up Thanet".  

It was sunny but chilly - we had the urge to get hugelich (nice Danish word) in honour of M so while he was conducting a business conference call in the sitting room, Mark and I cracked open a bottle of 10 year old Glenmorangie and drank it out of heavy crystal tumblers while I supervised the supper - and then felt we were briefly on Planet Agreeable...

Today of course, given the tricksy nature of the virus, I felt completely &*£@! again, much worse than yesterday, so I spent most of the day in bed.  In the morning I took notes on Vera Brittain's Testament of Youth which had lots of interesting stuff about gas gangrene and delirium (side effect of septicaemia I presume).  In the afternoon, once we had said goodbye to M & A, I read the whole of Private Eye - but was too dopey and ailey to laugh.

Ned told me a one-liner yesterday  "My wife made chocolate mousse once - I nearly choked on an antler."
The only thing that made me laugh a lot today was the final frames of the Simpsons: grandpa (having retired from bullfighting and liberated all the bulls) and Lisa are sitting in chairs supported by helium balloons and floating above Springfield.  Suddenly two bulls, with balloons attached to their horns and tails drift up to join them menace them.  I think it's something to do with the way the animators draw the bulls - and the suggestion their huge horns will burst the balloons....

Trivia - but this has been a day for it - and yet, I felt completely happy doing my research - looking at the Western Front - seeing diagrams, and staring at maps to complement my understanding of VB's time at Etaples (how does one do accents on this?).  Having been to Etaples really helped - I must sort out a time to go and research Gaga's RAMC unit at the Imperial War Museum Library - or just look at the RAMC website...there's a museum/library too I think.

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