Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Sunday 9 October 2011

A distraction from the Economy

One would not be so distressed by the economic news if one's own circumstances were more comfortable.  There is so much at present, which makes one anxious when one has only £250 in the bank and no credit.  Fortunately, a probably rather minor scandal has blown up concerning the unlikeable Defence Minister Liam Fox, which is leading the news items, and distracting me from worrying about whether the economy is heading for a 1930s style depression - or what?

Mark is feeling very worried, he has virtually no work in the pipeline - and thinks Architectural Archaeology is "over".  I'm sure he's wrong - but the lack of developer-related work is really distressing.  I have faith that something will turn up.  But the trouble with Mark is that he will not sign on if he has no work.  We will have to get a student, but that's hardly going to keep us going.    Gosh - to think I thought we might be able to have a holiday a few weeks ago.

The only thing that might help is the Iznik tile - when MC suggested we could sell it and that it could be valuable last week I was a bit sceptical - I now wonder if it is the only thing between us and penury.   I'd be surprised if it is that valuable, because it has been broken in 4 and repaired, then again it is a rare 16th/17thC artefact - presumably there's a market for them, perhaps from the Middle East (which is suffering a bit less of a slump?).

Things have been difficult before, but the combination of the lack of potential earnings and the very low level in the bank account is a bit scarey. 

We went to a very nice party last night - it was Kai's 40th birthday - I gave him a jar of apple and verbena jelly!  We only stayed an hour or so as my virus was still going.  But it was nice to see Sue and Kit and Robert and Jane and Jackie - who I didn't really talk to,. but Mark did - apparently Christies are always looking for people to teach architecture to their MA students.  I was not aware that Christie's was an educational institution as well!  We will probably be approaching them about the tile shortly (in fact the sooner the better).

I'd better pick the quinces today and make more jelly - that will be my contribution - a vast quantity to give as presents.  Actually, the first batch I made - 3 large quinces, weighing a kilo, resulted in 3 very small pots of jelly - but it is a very firm jelly - so maybe a runnier mix would be a larger quantity.

I think chutneys and pickles are the way to go now - could make some more of the marrow pickle, which was surprisingly delicious.  Then I have a supply of small birthday type offerings for people - and I'd better make a supply of birthday cards as well.   As for Christmas....

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