Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Distraction continues - Liam Fox

I am enjoying a spot of light Schadenfreude now over Liam Fox.  He is a revoltingly far-right person, I have always found him dodgy in his presentation of anything - used to be a health spokesman - didn't like him then.  Now everyone is sniffing around - he has a close friend - is it a case of cherchez l'homme?  Surely it is a money scandal - no one is quite sure, but everyone is sniffing - because he is clearly lying about things.  There is this odd little story about how he was burgled and the fact that he had a guest staying in the house was concealed.   Why - is it because Tory Party Central Office knows he's gay and was covering up for him.   When he says "I don't have a sexual relationship with Werrity" one immediately supplies the word "now".  

There's nothing wrong with being gay, but perhaps he's so right wing he thinks there is.  After all he's a married man - I wonder whether he has children - I've noticed a lot of these beard marriages are often childless - then again his "long-time girlfriend" was 37 when they married, so it may be an issue.  On the other hand, if she was his "long-time girlfriend" why didn't they marry sooner if they intended to have children?   But that's just a theory of mine and there may be all sorts of reasons.  He does have an odd track record on gay mattes. 

Tonight's discovery that actually, rather thanbeing his partner - Werrity is a chum who was subsidised to trot around with him, to help him keep to his right-wing ideology and policies - is interesting.   It's about lobbying - having presumed, like most of the media it was either about money or sex, it is, unusually for politics - about power!  Or rather, influence. 

Anyway, the great thing is, it has taken our minds off the unemployment figures - now at their highest since the last Tory government.  And apparently the North-east of England is the worst hit - so much for those efforts to "even out" the economy in the regions.

Wrote my first copy for the dummy issue of the Thanetarium... fun, but I think the business plan is more important.

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