Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 6 October 2011


Well, I am resurrecting a bit - I got dressed today, and went out.   It was a beautiful day - the perfect autumn day, very sunny and windy - so everything was blue and golden and the sea was looking active, without being dramatic.  I went to Margate and sat for an hour or so guarding an exhibition.  It didn't need much guarding, since only one person came in.  But she was very appreciative and said "Why didn't they show this at the Turner" - since it was about The Kiss which has just taken up residence there.  I sat and chatted about digital publishing with one of the IsleWriter group who had put on the show and kindly allowed me to put my kiss piece in there... I read everyone else's piece carefully - and thought that my decision not to belong to a local writing group was broadly correct. 

Now I am trying to make decisions about writing.   My gut feeling is that I should plough on with Conscience because of its commercial potential... and perhaps shelve The Romantic Feminist until I have time to consider whether to re-write in 3rd person or not.  I would like to reply to Helenka Fugelwicz - but I expect agents don't wish to be hassled after they've finished with you.

I am also having another bit of angst about the "business".  As far as I can tell, S has put no effort into it for ages, and I am just thoroughly pissed off with the whole thing.  She doesn't seem to be engaged - she has ideas, but not much initiative... odd.  What would make me really happy is just to drop it - and to drop the marketing exercise we are desultorily involved in at present and just write Conscience fulltime until Christmas.  Unfortunately, that leaves the issue of The Thanetian to be dealt with...which would be time consuming - but seems to be a "good thing" could be complementary with writing - but I will need to make some money out of it, at least £500 per month - more would of course be better.  I fear that despite my SchmoozySchlepper soubriquet I am often happiest when I am not doing those things.   Or rather, what I am saying is this,

Much of my life is about coping with frustrations, and now I want to liberate myself from the frustrations.  I am doing this in various different ways. Firstly, I have jettisoned the diet and taken the advice in Ecclesiastes to eat your food with gladness and drink your wine with a joyful heart.   So far I have lost a kilo or so, I have also bought myself a striped t-shirt with horizontal stripes, it looks great.  I have eschewed them for years! In the past I have thought I should bear up and persist with the frustration - now I think unless the frustration is leading to something better, I should drop it.  This is very liberating, and I feel much happier.

I have not written anything on Consience this week - the first few days were busy with social stuff, and the rest of the week busy with being ill and off colour - but I am nearly back on form.  Thank goodness it hasn't lasted 2 weeks like the famous April 2009 cold.

A trivial point on eating: cutting out white flour/oats seems a good thing, although I can get away with white flour if I don't drink wine as well, the combination seems to make me unbelievably dopey.

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