Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 24 October 2011

How Long!???

This blood-soaked virus is continuing - all sorts of new phenomena - just when I thought I was getting better, going out etc. it zapped me with viral labyrinthitis - which meant I had to spend most of the weekend in bed - only going out to the doctor for an emergency prescription on Sunday - what fun!   I woke up this morning thinking it would be over - cautiously raised my head and was rewarded by the room rocking wildly, an incipient headache and a wave of nausea.   I have now been ill for 3 weeks and one day.  Tomorrow we have visitors.   I was well enough to get up and make bread, cook supper and do some washing up this afternoon, so I think I am getting better - just have to hold my head very level - which is no doubt jolly good for my posture.

Diet note: since I have been in bed/ailing I have been furiously hungry - weird - but have also lost about 3 lbs - despite lack of exercise - and eating all sorts of "unsuitable" foods - e.g Irish apple bread, porridge with goldensyrup, and even a chocolate croissant today.  Perhaps my new Book of Proverbs diet is working....

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