Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Annie Hall

Mark, Ned and I just watched Annie Hall - it is years since I saw it - who did I see it with?  Tim perhaps - probably.  It is stuffed with good lines, some of the old favourites - like Shakespeare you didn't realise Woody Allen was the progenitor (or populariser) of certain jokes, lines, quasi-proverbial sayings.

The one at the end that got us was when he says "You know - sharks have to keep moving forward or else they die - and it's the same with relationships, if you don't move forward you end up with a dead shark!" [I paraphrase] - Mark and I immediately recognised that we had a bit of a dead shark and laughed about it.  Good that we can laugh about it I suppose, maybe it's not dead yet.  

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