Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Tuesday 31 July 2012


What a day - out last night - a few glasses of wine, then reading, bed, sleeping badly - awake for an hour or so in the middle of the night.  Woke late, dealt with some Ramsgate Arts issues, emails etc. then rushed over to Weight Watchers, then to the garden centre to buy some thornproof gloves and tools and bramble killer (yes, a non organic solution has to be faced).  Then quick supermarket - back home, made museli, fruit salad, bread, we had lunch, dashed over to Anna's - 2 hours pretty solid gardening - interspersed with tea and chat, back home - cook supper (turkey breasts stuffed with pancetta, mozarella and salvia in a marsala and cream sauce... sorting out Jaime (his parents wish to remove him from our house because he spends all his time on his ipad... so we have to police that - and watch tv with him.).  Just knackered now... and tomorrow Ned and I have more gardening to do at Jane's.  Hope we can hack it.  We all need the money. 

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