Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Saturday 28 July 2012

I Ching

The latest suggestion - Abundance

In a time of Abundance you find that, despite what you have lost, there is a new charge given to you that leaves no place for sorrow or anxiety. It is not the time to hide yourself away and grieve the past. Decide what you will do, take it on, make the practical preparations and march out.

Hmm, it's half appropriate, defining what exactly I have lost is tricky... but I do feel I need to just get on with writing - and everything else will fall into place... I wrote a little more of 17Y today.  I never feel what I write at the weekend is proper... that may just be another feature of the neurotic weekend.  I also seem to spend more time with M - which makes me irritable.

We went for a longish walk today - down through the Harbour along to the end of the Great Wall - to see Emily's Crow picture - which I may insert at a later date... I suppose it will get washed away, that's the idea of these pieces...saw an egret in the shallows at the harbour, haven't seen one there before - it was solitary, with a few dunlin or something small and brown.  Am feeling knackered and stiff... more exploration tomorrow - M has decided we will go to Hastings - perhaps we can go to the Jerwood - or perhaps not.

The other factor at the weekend is that when I want to write in here (our bedroom) I can't because M is always here - chuntering about and interrupting.  Clarity of thought severely undermined.

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