Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 30 July 2012

Fussy eaters and rich boys

This is a general Arrrrrgh moment - I am a good cook, occasionally I make something less than gorgeous, but not often.  Rafa, our Colombian student, like most Latin American males was rather obsessed with meat - but really appreciated eating with us.  He had almost a week once when he ate out every night - takeaways and fast food with friends.  When he next ate with us he said "I missed Kate's food".

Artem, the Russian student, was very appreciative of food in his first week, but when Johnny arrived and started messing about, eating nothing, dashing off without pudding - Artem followed suit - despite having promisingly told us he liked "all vegetables".  Uzgur really liked the food and ate steadily - including veg. Johnny was apalling... he has, I think, some kind of eating disorder - he could not/did not eat vegetables except potatoes, and never ate puddings.  However, he stole crisps and took the Cheerios up to his room to consume.  I tried to explain about sharing... not a word he had learned.

Jaime, our Spanish student, is not shaping up to be one of the best - he's pleasant, but anxious - didn't eat the rice last night, or the carrots, or the green beans, but had two helpings of the carrot cake... When we have put food out on the table to share - e.g. the chicken for fajitas - he and Johnny snatched disproportionate amounts of the chicken, ignoring the peppers and onions - again, a problem with sharing...

I don't know what it is, when Ned is irritated with them he says "what are the rich boys doing?"  I think a lot of their attitudes are because they are rich - they haven't been brought up to share resources because they are limited, but instead are used to great amounts of meat etc. and no concept that it should be extended with veggies and so on.  The fussiness, the preferences for fast foods over the real thing are just normal teenage fussiness...I suppose they aren't so bad, it's just that because I cook nice, balanced meals with plenty of fresh fruit and veg I am rather disgusted when they don't eat it, and fill themselves up on crap.

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