Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 23 July 2012

Where am I now?

Living with a sense of expectation that something is about to happen is inevitably a bit disappointing.  I think the last few weeks have - or ought to have - indicated how very unreliable astrology is.  Usually when a particular date is highlighted, something, inevitably something very small, that could link with the themes suggested happens.  But I can't see that anything significant has happened to me throughout May and June, eclipses, etc. etc.  Perhaps an astrologer would say "well, they were all blighted by Saturn" so nothing happened.  But I say, why should Saturn be a blighter - maybe just a delayer - maybe all these fab things will happen in September.... or maybe I should, like those mad pre-War German astrologers invent my own astrology - based on contacts to the Ascendant and midheaven, and significant Uranus transits (except that wouldn't really work - I've got a Uranus-Venus transit at present which ought to be doing something).  So, perhaps it's time I stopped looked at astrology.

Basically, I am keeping on keeping on, writing, doing stuff, living my domestic life, with bursts of unpaid writing for the Arts Festival,.carrying a torch for someone, a torch which is unlikely ever to be lit I suspect, dieting, reading, writing, seeing friends, enjoying the garden.   This is what I've been doing - the last significant new moon for me was in January - when I heard about TRF - since then nada!  I have a "feeling" about September as a time when things may shift - but that's only a "feeling".

I am going to a vast Jay family party in September - but I think even if I lived off celery and swum 50 lengths every day between now and then, I still wouldn't be able to wear my beloved silk dress, so I will have to think of a more creative outfit - still, I have plenty of clothes... that's not a problem - yesterday I wore A-M's swimming cossie to the beach (I first wore it there in May) and found there was something wrong with it.  Yes, readers, it was too big for me!  Hurray - it has now gone in the clothes recycling bin, I can wear my other cossie.   Anyway, a Jay family party isn't really going to do much for me - last time I met Kevin Maxwell and Henry Porter (which was interesting for me) - but sod's law I will just be stuck in the midst of a great Helpsian love-fest... how sad.  Oh well, Minna and Garry will be there so that'll be nice.

So - WHERE am I now?   Just in media res I guess.  Happy in a funny way, as long as my expectation don't get out of control, and not expecting much to happen in August, just best to go into holiday mode and not worry about work etc.

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