Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 23 July 2012

Bad dream

I dreamed last night a dream that is a variant on the Jungian house dream.   In this dream I was visiting a family where the father has cancer and is just about to embark on a new course of treatment.  They were running a conference in their home - which I have never visited.  It was a Georgian/Recency house in the country - but very tumbledown - everywhere the walls had been distempered and there was dust of plaster lying about.  It was in need of a lot of work, but they were all fairly cheerful - although preoccupied with the conference.  There was a family who lived nearby, red-faced squire types with dogs - they were talking to me about everything.  I went back to the house, and they told me how they had bought part of the house next door and were delighted with it.  They opened a door in the kitchen, and showed me a huge room in even worse condition - gaping holes in the wall without window frames, stubs of rubble where walls/partitions had been.  It was dreadful, but full of potential... .

On the matter of interpretation - perhaps this is about my feelings for them, that things are getting worse, even though they are keeping faith and seeing things positively.  It definitely isn't my house in the dream - so this isn't about me.  I suppose it is about my belief that things will get worse for them - and perhaps I feel/"know" that their positive attitude is masking a very terrible situation.

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