Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Car-free life begins

Yesterday I went to the bank and the shops on foot - well, that's no problem, except that I'm still a bit ill - the vlirus won't let me go.  So when I had bought a flea-collar and some washing powder, I felt nauseous and giddy - a bit like being pregnant really - and too ill to go and buy barley flakes and belly pork.  So I staggered home, and was extremely glad of the benches near the library.  Realised that if I had felt this ill under normal circs. I would have called M to collect me in the car.

I mentioned carlessness on Fb and one friend offered me trips to the shops which would be fun.  I hardly ever shop with anyone else (except Finn occasionally, which usually adds about £15 to the bill).  I am feeling particularly cross that I can't go to the farm shop though, since it isn't on a bus route - I could take a taxi of course, but if I were to do that I might as well buy all the vegetables at Waitrose. 

With fantastic timing - because I realised I wasn't quite ready for the walk back from Aldi with heavy bags in my current state of faiblesse - I had an email offering 25% off a shopping delivery at Ocado, so I gladly did this, and the shopping will arrive tomorrow - apart from the pork I need to make the traditional pork and beans for Bonfire Night.  (It's only traditional to my family - not to the British at large).  I rather hope that I am better next week - because I find with online shopping I always forget something crucial.

The other thing I notice is that because we are having a car for a whole weekend - Friday to Monday - I am now plotting all sorts of car-related things we can do: go to a party in Margate on Friday, go to the farm shop on Saturday.  I almost thought of going to Oxford on Sunday to see S - but I expect he will be visitored out... and it might appear alarming if a seldom seen cousin suddenly turns up - if I was ill and all my extended family started visiting from afar I would assume I was on my death bed.

Is a hire car cheating?  Interesting really - used judiciously it may not be - see it as a form of commercial car-sharing.   Wonder if I could interest any of the 2-3-car couples we know in a bit of that?   But if we hired a car every weekend that would only be £160-80 a month - not much more than we spend on the car anyway?  Unfortunately, we sometimes need the car for site visits etc.  so we can't really do without it long-term.  But then again, we could hire a car to go on site.

The obvious benefit of the car thing is that I will get more enforced exercise - and perhaps I will even try the bike again.  I used it in the summer for an interesting shopping trip.  It was bloody terrifying - and it will be a while before I can enjoy it the way I used to when I was young.  It's the derailleur - can't get used to it!  And it's sod's law that I have to start using the bike just as the weather gets revolting (it's fine now - but cold).  Also the bike has very little accommodation for shopping - wicker basket - but no room for panniers, so can't buy much more than milk and about 3 other items - and the farm shop is much too far and on too scarey a road - for the bike.   It is exciting - will I rise to the challenge of this situation, or will I sink into further depressive torpor?  Alternatively, I can wait until the new Asda opens at the end of the road (it will be about the same distance away as Waitrose - but less of a hill!) - or will my aversion to Walmart keep me ideologically pure?

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