Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Saturday 26 November 2011


Last night I couldn't sleep, because now that an agent has got interested in The Romantic Feminist my mind has leapt forward to the next stage.  Even if she doesn't take me on, this is going to be an issue that will arise.

When she wrote her memoir, Maggie had to get the permission of everyone she mentioned in it to be included.  I've already made changes at the request of Polly and J - the next major obstacle would be my ex-husband, the other J - I have made him very recognisable... now I need to totally re-write him, and perhaps the circumstances of our relationship.  I thought I might make him Irish - from Belfast?  Or not.  Perhaps remove all the Catholic stuff - and maybe remove Tom - the character based on his friend P - he only appears briefly, and I've already edited my comments... he could be cut.   Maybe make Philip a lawyer...  And Doug - part of me thinks K is dead - but I can't be sure.  I Googled him and there doesn't seem to be much trace of him.  Rosey and Russell are in there, and my father, and all the C's - well "Jack" and "Beata" - both of whom tragically are ailing, and might even die before it gets published.  I've effectively got J's permission - but is there something he would have to sign - a release of some kind?

It's a bit of nightmare - change Ed's name - to make it less Ted like - and Paddy?  no, I don't think anyone - er, no, that's not true - well, turn "Niall" into two different people.

I must deal with the problems - whether she takes me on or not.  A nice defamation case, by one of the characters would wipe out any profits and a lot of my credibility.... 

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