Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 28 November 2011

Low-key weekend

I woke up at 8.00 on Saturday morning: the radiators weren't working; the hot water wasn't working either.  Plumbers don't usually work on Saturdays - except for ludicrous amounts of money.  So I left a message for one, and concentrated on other things. 

We had a wonderful "family hour" cleaning out the kitchen - both the boys worked hard and things looked a lot better, although Mark worked hardest.    On Saturday night we had a nice supper together, and had a fire, and it wasn't too cold - so didn't matter so much about the heating.

On Sunday Mark Finn and I went to Canterbury - we had lunch at the Gaol Cafe, which is nice, v. good value. Finn was really funny: he didn't know what to eat, so I suggested he had chicken with couscous - it came covered with a pile of rocket and parmesan... the chicken was dressed with a caesar salad dressing and some spiced chutney - but he really liked it - said it was one of the best things he'd ever had.  He even ate some rocket - wonderful.   Then we did a bit of light shopping - and came home again.  Somehow it was very enjoyable.  Another fire, some pasta and woke up on Monday morning, refreshed and ready to meet the plumber!  He came, charged £204 to buy and replace a fan - so our heating is on again.    The car is going to cost a further £427 for the replacement of the head gasket... but we won't get it back until next Wednesday - so, more walking and taxiing etc.

Now that the new prospective agent has the MS, I am dreading seeing anything from her in the letter box - in case it's the rejection.... but I expect she'll have some suggestions - so I'll have something to work on.

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