Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 2 February 2012

Candlemas, the Feast of St. Blaise, Imbolc, Groundhog Day....

St. Blaise was something to do with throats I think - mine is raspy, due to an irritating cough.
But I am definitely feeling the turn of the year - it didn't get dark till after 5.00 - and if it doesn't snow in the next 10 days, I am declaring spring!

 The boys assure me (a) it will snow tomorrow and (b) it snowed on Tuesday in Margate... they have seen pictures... so spring probably isn't that imminent.

Although I am now having a new phase of my cold, I feel very happy, because I have put a lot of the early part of the book in place today - and have cut it down.   This means I can relax with a relatively good conscience.

Very good mini-book group last night, at Jane's.  Sue wasn't there...but had quite a good discussion about books, and about tv vs books etc. (and the price of food).  Also, the appalling fundamentalist Y3 teacher at Christchurch - who also believes the lunar programme in the 60s and 70s was done in a studio.... the children of course all believe her because she is so sweet and pretty and says things like people who don't believe in God will go to hell.  That is so infuriating - how dare she usurp God's authority with her own tiny ideas.... and because people like this give the rest of us Christians a really bad name...people think we all believe this rubbish!   It just gives militant atheists more ammo against us.

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