Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 9 February 2012

Happy - ish!

Since I woke up late this morning, having carried out an essential task during the early hours - and also, have finished editing Mark's first 3 chapters.  Batsford books have agreed to have a look at it - although I think it's a bit above their pay grade - quite academic etc.  We'll see.

I haven't mentioned the snow - it's no  big deal if you are reading this in Russia and Central or Eastern Europe - but for us it is pretty extraordinary.  It snowed heavily on Saturday night - about 12cm - a lot for us.  There's been no snow since, but it's been freezing for 10 days - which is unusual for us.  I would put up a picture, but the camera is broken...  Apparently it will snow again tonight.  The boys, especially Finn, love it, but I am not keen.  I haven't been out to "enjoy" it, because we have had so much the last two or three years that I'm a bit jaded by it.    However, yesterday we ventured out to the supermarket and took a slow drive back to see the snowy cabbage fields, and the distant prospect of very snowy hills above Dover.   It is pretty of course, but I was hoping it would be spring soon.   On the banks near the large roundabout some daffodils had begun to flower before the snow.  Then now stand, half open in suspended animation.   So I expect the crocus, snowdrops and primroses will be there under the snow.

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