Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 22 February 2012

More Displacement

I have been feeling a bit miserable recently - despite brave front etc. and happily a number of friends have spontaneously elected to invite me out to lunch etc, so I am having a cheerful time.  I had a lovely talk with Ann yesterday - she brought around a sour dough pot - which one tends for 10 (!) days then divides into 4 and makes a cake from one piece, gives away two and keeps one back for oneself... it's a nice idea, but I wonder whether it isn't a form of gourmet chain letter - I am looking forward to making the cake.  I suppose it's a bit like a ginger beer plant - hope the sour dough is tolerant of cold.

Every time I sit at the computer I find myself howling inside.... there was something I wanted to happen that hasn't happened... I can't really say what, but I'm surprised how it's affecting me.  Looking over the book it seems quite good - the new bits are fine really, I'm so lucky to be able to write and to not have writer's block (like Alexander) and I am lucky in a lot of ways - but there is this small missing piece... like the answer to a question that's evading one. 

Probably writing would cheer me up - tomorrow!

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