Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 22 February 2012


This blog entry is unashamedly a displacement activity.    I have the stuck feeling I get when I have too many things to do - the "rabbit in the headlights" feeling.   I have to do 4 things: go to bank, borrow money from Ned and pay into bank, then look into the problems of getting charitable status for Ramsgate Arts... I have to do some cooking and then I should be editing TRF.

I have got up to 58,000 words, and have arrived roughly where I was before - shorter, good.  Then I decided to have a break because I was feeling a bit panicky about how I was going to integrate some of the material into the new format... also because of half term, GEEK 2012, Finn's friends visiting, a nice day out in Margate (didn't do much, but got a lovely little sketch by Michael Blaker of the elephant outside Sta Maria sopra Minerva (I think) in Rome... my last birthday present.   On Sunday we went out to lunch, or I should say, were taken out to lunch by Anna & Robin - I wasn't sure how I was going to negotiate their usual insane generosity - but I discovered that the restaurant we went to - JoJo's near Whitstable - had a bring your own facility - so I ransacked the furthest recesses of the cellar (the racks are pretty empty now) and found a nice claret, a good white burgundy and a fantastic bottle of white burgundy - which was 14 years old.   I thought it was a bit of a risk, but it seemed a good time to drink it.  It was a 1997 Batard-Monrachet - the colour was extraordinary - very yellow... I was a bit worried about it, but actually it was really nice - although it is hard to say how.  It just had a sort of depth and maturity - no jangly notes, no unacceptable greenish taste - just very solid.  I wonder if I'll ever drink another wine like that.   In honesty, I suspect it may have been a tad past its best - but the cork was perfectly clean and lovely... didn't seem oxidised.

What else?   Oh the food was great - tapas/mezze style - and? nice view of sea, and A&R brought some lovely Chapel Down Rose - from Tenterden.  I still find English wines a touch too flinty though... but this was a very good example. 

On Monday we went to see The Artist which is as good as the hype I thought, the boys enjoyed it too.

I saw Alex last night and had a good conversation with him.  He wants us to come out to dinner with him on Friday - but we can't afford it...

I am about to borrow more from Ned - and donate my birthday money to the house fund - and Mark has put two Rolliflex cameras on e-bay - so that should bring in something.

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