Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 24 February 2012

Must do something!

There isn't time to get into the novel today - going out to lunch again... at Charlotte's - about 15 miles away... And have one or two small chores to carry out.

So writing a blog entry seems a good idea.  Had a small but perfectly formed Festival Club meeting last night - locked out of the Small Boat Owners' Club - so came home and installed Will and his keyboard in the sitting room - turned the desk into a bar - and we all sat there - there were only 12 of us - but it was still a nice evening, nicer than usual, as I didn't have to worry about clearing up afterwards!  It's one of the things I have to do this morning.

Very good news - I have got my camera back - or rather had it replaced, so I will be making an attempt to illustrate the blog occasionally... mostly, I suspect, with pictures of flowers and sky - our local skies, which allegedly inspired Turner, are really impressive.  This is what comes of living in a place surrounded by water on 3 sides - with interesting collisions between the continental weather system and the Atlantic one... mostly we suffer the continental system here, with great East winds throughout the winter, blowing off the Urals or wherever...

Yesterday it was pure spring the crocuses were in flower etc. and everything was balmy about 15 degrees C.  Today is grey though, but still warmish.

This entry clearly in the category of mindless witterings - apologies!

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