Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 8 February 2012


I discovered the other day that it was perfectly easy to find this blog via Twitter - because I linked the writing blog to that...  but anyway, it's accessible.

Because a madwoman is threatening me at present - you won't read about it here for obvious reasons - I have been through the whole blog and deleted or withdrawn any material that in any way might inflame her, were she to stumble upon it.

I wonder if she's on Twitter - probably, she wouldn't need more than 140 characters to exhaust her intellect.   Sorry - that's unkind, but I'm afraid it's pent up... I was quite annoyed by her attack and think I might have to vent my spleen somewhere.  I did not like having to destroy the integrity of this blog, but I suppose I should not have written so frankly.   I am not a secretive person, but I do have a certain defensive response sometimes, and this was the time for it.

Perhaps I should hunt her down on Twitter!

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