Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Saturday 11 February 2012

Going out

We went out!   On a Saturday - in fact we had a choice of two things, and then someone gave us some free tickets to see the Webb Sisters - a pair of harmonious elves who accompany themselves on harp and guitar.  "Very Lothlorien" M said.   We'd enjoyed the support act - a local kid called Luke Jackson who plays good guitar and has a fantastic voice.  He sang his own songs and I thought some of the lyrics were a bit cliched,,, but then I discovered he was only 17 - so perhaps it's allowed!

The Webbs were the attraction, but we didn't feel particularly thrilled - it was all too smooth and perfect, without being at all moving... we left after the 4th number - we were bored and didn't think it would get any better.  It was of course technically brilliant - but just a bit dead.

The concert was in Sandwich, in a preserved church - loads of people there - all the local bigwigs (well Laura anyway, our Member of Parliament) and Victoria P, the director of the Turner Contemporary - we also saw the local aristocracy - the James's - who we worked for as archaeologists when they put in their swimming pool.  We didn't mingle during the interval - which lasted 45 minutes - and were thus able to watch the movements of the great and the good...They do have good concerts there - we ought to go again, perhaps when we feel like mingling again...

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