Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Saturday 31 December 2011


I have a good feeling about 2012 - not that it will be a year of unmitigated glory - but a year when I can finally do what I am meant to do - to shed some of my frustrations, and some of my weight - and make progress.  2011 has been a "square wheel" year - this is an image I have of my life - that its mechanism runs on a square wheel - so it tends to get stuck for long periods.  It takes an enormous amount of effort to push the wheel onto the next face - 2011 has been a year of herculean efforts, and now I think I have pushed the wheel forward and the new face/phase can get going - the next few days are slightly "square wheel days" since I am still bogged down in Christmas socialising.... the last "at Home" tomorrow - 8 people last night, and it was very jolly, then drinks at Eyvor and Michael's on Monday and then I think we will collapse - all ready for the new term...

I don't think my "good feeling" is wishful thinking, it's a real sense of changes in the air, it's a grounded feeling, not a Neptunian projection.   I do feel 2011 only had 9 months though, the last 3 seem to have been spent in a fog of ill-health/anxiety and stress.

Today I finally dared to look at the bank account - it's not quite as bad as I feared, and I don't think we'll need to do much food shopping for a while (although some new meat would be nice).  However, M has already invoiced for his last, small piece of work, and has no immediate work to start on.  This is worrying, it means things will get very tricky in February - but perhaps we can borrow something from Ned (again!) which I don't want to do - however, I think things will be improving financially within a few months, and the income from students will be good.  I am a bit hyper on carbs, but tonight's supper was claret, stilton and walnuts - which was very enjoyable. 

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