Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 29 December 2011

Only Writing

I have started a new blog - this blog was originally meant to be a marketing tool for my writing, but has failed dismally.  Instead, I have a writing/marketing sort of blog called "Only Writing" on which details of my works and their progress can be found. 

Why did I call it that?  Because "Only writing" is the wrong answer to "what are you doing?".   If I am writing and someone asks me that I reply "I am writing, please go away and don't disturb me."  Or "Sod off and stop reading over my shoulder" etc.   This year there will be virtually nothing more important than writing. Whatever happens - et terra ruat - writing will be done, the next book will be completed, others will be fiddled with.

This blog can now be used to continue to offer cynical world-weary, optimistic, bitchy and Pollyannish comments about the passing scene - the world in general, the local community in particular.  My major problem will be what to do about local projects, which I now wish to extricate myself from.   We shall see.

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