Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Christmas Parties

We have been to our first Christmas party - which was very nice.  We decided not to have one this year, since I can't face it - for some reason I thought that having 4 mini-parties was a better idea.  Actually, it just means more stress and washing up.  But I think we can handle it. 

We decided to have an "At Home" i.e. inform people that we were open for visits on certain dates.  My first thought was to invite everyone I knew - and then I calmed down a bit and thought that really I wanted to have people I really liked.  Then of course you realise if you invited those people, and other people hear about it they'd be hurt... - so now the list includes a few "can't be avoided" invitations.  However, there are a couple of people I haven't invited.  Well, one who is so dominant socially and annoys people so much... I left him off.

In the ideal "At Home" scenario about half a dozen people turn up - and have a civilised chat by the fire... what the reality will be remains to be seen: there will be some where no one turns up (how restfull!) and some where screaming hordes turn up with dogs and children... and the food runs out.  Then there's the other possibility that the 4 most socially awkward people one knows will turn up and not talk to each other....

Actually, if things go well, we might institute an "At Home" every month or so - the old "salon" idea.  Although I doubt we could make the conversation so high-minded...

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