Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas Day

Well, it's over.   It went very well: we went to Midnight Mass - enjoyable, lots of carols, large congregation and then bed.  We got up early, had stockings, tea in bed, then I started the turkey etc.  We had a light breakfast - and then we did some more cooking - Ned helped to do the "pigs in blankets" - I did all the veg, and the stuffings and everything else was more or less ready.   

We went out to the beach just after midday - at first I was a bit disappointed, because didn't see anyone I knew - but then found Kai and Claire, Verity, Anette, Fran & Steven and Kirstie so we had a jolly time, and the Aldi Cava was surprisingly nice and dry.   The boys wandered about taking photos... and then we went home.  I carried on cooking - Pa and Coells came - more drinks etc. and Coells helped with the carrots (which I'd turned on without realising - and burned them) and cream for the chocolate roulade/log...

The food was very nice - although the sprouts were a bit water-logged.  The potatoes were superb... the turkey good, so generally very nice.  We ate masses - the new style christmas pudding was deemed the best by me - I have now found THE PUDDING RECIPE... it was light and fruity (figs, raisins and almonds) and really edible...this will now be the recipe for the generations. 

Then we all collapsed and sat like pythons in the sitting room for the rest of the evening - watched tv and generally behaved sluggishly.  We had nothing else to eat or drink - except some chocolates and malt whisky (and some tea at one point).

I suppose that counts as a satisfactory Christmas Day. Can't help feeling it seems a bit complacent somehow.

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