Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 12 December 2011

That Eclipse...

OK, here's some astrology.  The eclipse - which happens at full moon and is believed bring about a crisis or the end of an issue... in this case it happened in my 8th house which suggests the issue would be involved in money shared with other people, e.g. property, inheritance, benefits, grants, and.... tax.  So on Friday, when I was feeling nice and sanguine, we got a letter from HMRC inviting us to pay them £2,248 immediately, or suffer "distraint of your possessions" i.e. they could come and take our goods to sell them.  M suggested borrowing from his mother - she told us to call Tom, his brother, and he suggested we  borrow from Ned.  So we borrowed from Ned - it will take a few days for the fund to clear, but then we will have sorted out our tax for the year, and we have some money ready for January, so all we have to worry about is July now.  We set up a standing order to repay Ned (with interest!) - and all is well(ish).  So that was the eclipse...

Now, I am normally sanguine about retrograde Mercury - one copes, but this year it seems to have come with particularly heavy boots on, rather than the usual winged sandals.... not only has our major client cheque this month been delayed (it still hasn't arrived), but the tax letter was 8 days late, my computer has broken down, and is still being repaired, and of course the car was still off the road.  Today Mark went up to London to do some work - only to find they hadn't sorted out the necessary paperwork.  I haven't been able to Christmas shop (as predicted by Susan Miller) because either I haven't had a car (necessary for carrying sacks of potatoes, logs etc.) or, as now, haven't had the money - until the cheque clears!  Roll on Wednesday when it goes direct again!

The other bad news over the period is that our friend D (L's husband) has got bowel cancer - they think it is curable, was caught early.  He's having the operation on Friday.   Too much bad news at the moment - that's the fourth close, young friend with cancer in the last 18 must be ghastly for her, but perhaps like me she doesn't imagine the worst if she can avoid it.  More concerned about how his freelance work will be effected at present (I know the feeling).

Given that Susan Miller has been ludicrously accurate this month let's hope all the good stuff she proposed for the rest of the month comes true!   No news about the book - but I've been thinking a lot more about 17 Years.  I'm thinking it could work.

We got the car back - and I immediately celebrated by going and buying in some Christmas supplies.

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