Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 9 December 2011

Night Flights

The local airport - which has an extremely long runway - since it was designed to help ailing fighter planes land during World War 2 - has been proposing night flights for some time.  They are not allowed to fly them, but in fact we have been having regular night flights for some months, the other night it was an Egyptian Cargo Flight just before midnight, this morning was something else (which I slept through - I do occasionally).  The local, Conservative, council supports the airport operator - but last night there was a vote of confidence and a new, Labour leader was elected.  Will this make a difference?  I hope so, everyone seems to think so, but I fear that the last Labour council wasn't particularly heroic - and whether this new council will do any better remains to be seen, however, everyone on the forum is behaving as if he were Barack Obama (in the days when he was Barack Obama...) or Tony Blair (in the days before he became Prime minister).

Oh well, it's better than the old regime I guess.

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