Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve 2

This is continuing to be a good day - I've done things I've been "meaning to do" for weeks - ironed the table cloths, prepared various things, formed a plan for tidying up the house!  And now I am feeling happy because I had a bit of a work session with the boys - got all the food out of the freezer, and dealt with the stollen... and saw that I had done a great many things already and didn't have much left to do.   So Finn made a fresh supply of fudge (coffee and walnut) and Ned made more cheese and walnut biscuits to give as presents.   And what is there to do now?

Make some truffles - and do something about a present for Gina, Ned's girlfriend - and something for the Chapmans perhaps... all these tricky delicate issues... I could make the Boxing Day trifle, and prep the veg and the other stuffing and stare at the turkey - but really it can wait a bit longer.  It's 4 and getting dark and we are listening to the King's College Carol Service.  It makes me happy, it used to make me tearful, but not this year.  So what can go wrong?  (not enough presents for someone probably...)  Birthday presents for Ben and Coellie can wait....

The major issue really is - shall I cook the ham in coke or ginger beer?  Or just the usual thing? I wonder.  The tongue is bubbling away in some flat cider - we are using up everything in old bottles... and finding great treasures: people give us port and we don't drink it - we love it, but it's a killer... so there's tons of it.  We'll have to have some this year.  We also have madeira, marsala but no sherry... strange.  No matter, we do have some evil half bottle of the v.v. sweet Pedro Ximenez.. which is like drinking muscovado sugar. 

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