Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Thursday 17 May 2012

Aches and pains

Oh dear!  The aches and pains in my hands, knees, elbows, neck etc. are continuing.  My hands are swollen and until last night I couldn't remove my ring - they are now swollen up again.  Anna pointed out to me that the tender patches on my head were actually glands - the occipital lymph glands I now discover.  There is one little hard one, but the rest of it is just all over aching.

All the websites say "the most common cause" of these symptoms is viral infection, and I have had a sort of "viral arthritis" before briefly and it did wear off.  However, the fact that my left knee has been playing up for a week or so, makes me wonder whether I am actually getting one of the more sinister causes: rheumatoid arthritis... I am sure it isn't, I'm sure it's just the temporary one.  Anna pointed out that I was probably run down (two heavy drinking weekends in a row) and maybe it is.  Or it could be lymphatic cancer... but I really think it must just be the viral thing... anyway, it's a "don't bother your doctor" until you've suffered for a week, so I really do have to wait until after the weekend.

Apologies for the hypochondria.  There isn't much else happening: yesterday did the washing, went shopping, went to the dump, came home, collapsed.  Had a sleep - then saw Anna in the evening.  We talked about the usual topics, and about her new production company which is a way of her making some money out of projects for herself.  Really hope this works.  It was lovely to see her, but I wasn't absolutely brill. company - lying on the sofa feeling less than fully conscious.  Clare Dove is coming for coffee today - hope I've perked up a bit by then.  I will need to tidy up.  I can do everything - just much, much more slowly.  And standing up is painful.

Feel like retiring to bed and reading - which I may do later.

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