Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Joanna Bogle

Despite sleeping most of the morning - due to the return of the virus I suppose - I awoke still steaming about Joanna Bogle... I looked at her blog, and googled her.  I think she is just a very conservative Catholic - not actually a convert but from a "mixed" marriage - do people really care about that sort of thing in Britain nowadays?   Judging by her blog she spends all her time with fellow Catholics and doesn't mix much with others - hence her apparent ignorance of the rest of the world.   She is also obsessed with tea time - she went on about teashops - and there's lots about that sort of thing on her blog - which is called Auntie Joanna - which I guess indicates her slightly childish out look.   Still, unless we are like little children...    I would hate to think I was too sophisticated for heaven!

She is also obsessed with the Ordinariat of Walsingham - that is Church of England priests who opposed the ordination of women and joined the Catholic church... a special ordinariat was set up for them - which was slightly annoying to the CoE (something she has conveniently forgotten).  So these married priests are the only ones allowed... and finance dictates that the church is more likely to ordain women than start allowing its clergy to marry (this would be much more expensive).,

What I didn't like about the talk was (a) it was superficial (b) didn't really examine the issue, was rather bitty.  Ok - that must be enough about her.   I note she belongs to the Guild of Catholic Writers - so I expect Mary Kenny knows her.  The bottom line about her is that beneath that earnest, whiskery charm, is a horrible authoritarianism - I was briefly reminded of Sister Mary explains it All.

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