Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 25 May 2012

A dream

As Galateo said "it is impolite to recount your dreams" or words to that effect, however last night's was a classic.

I was at Oxford where there was a sort of reunion going on - there were people I knew who were friends from the past (I wasn't at Oxford, but had a group of friends who were).  So I was with a woman a bit like Charlotte (who's younger than that group in reality) who was feeling a bit left out - we were delighted to see each other and were talking animatedly - but all the while men we had known kept appearing and sitting at a large table.  Meanwhile an Indian man kept coming over to us and trying to interest me in strange things - such as a collection of seals, some crochet, some petit point cushion covers - I kept saying "Not now - there'll be plenty of time to look at those over the weekend" because he was interrupting my conversation with the woman.  But he was very persistent and annoying and didn't seem to want to connect with anyone else.  Over at the men's table there were shouts as new people arrived - and at one point there was a great shout of "Ambrose!" and a round-faced, frizzy haired man appeared.   It was extraordinary, in the dream I realised that he was someone who had belonged to that set of people and whose existence I had forgotten.  Later in the dream we were beside an underground railway line - and someone was throwing things or doing something vaguely dangerous. Later again I met Jim Leigh - and was promised that Tristram Clarke would be there and also Superdog...

It was an odd dream, especially Ambrose, because he really existed, although I hardly knew him.  He might have been on the Greek course I went on in Cheltenham as well as at Oxford later.  I had completely forgotten about him, but he did exist... weird that he should float into my unconscious mind.   And the persistent Indian student - that sort of badgering you when you're doing something else, more like a trader than a friend... weird, but also a slightly aspergice/out of it behaviour.

I think I had this dream because I noticed someone going to a UCL history alumni dinner... but what, if anything, is it telling me?

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