Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Monday 4 June 2012

The bloody awful populist crap

that we get fed for the Jubilee is too much for me.   Sadly we have nothing better to do so we are watching it - because one feels one ought to participate a bit, and we couldn't be arsed to go and see the beacon being lit.   So instead we are watching Rolf Harris leading the crowd in singing "Two Little Boys" which is one of the most sentimental and rubbishy song ever written which I simply cannot stand.  However, now we have Stevie Wonder singing Sir Duke so something worthwhile has come of this.

I realise at times of popular festivity like this what ghastly elitists Mark and I are... how "out of it" we are.  We weren't invited to any street parties (well, we were, but the invitation was withdrawn since it was "residents only") and we didn't go out yesterday because it was raining and miserable, and I only like going out voluntarily when it's dry... and preferably sunny (but not too hot of course).  I am curious about how people enjoy themselves, I could, after a couple of drinks, enter the spirit of the thing, but I wouldn't initiate it.  I really do prefer sitting in my garden and looking at insects - and magpies, and the cat, and the flowers.  And thinking about things.

Today is the great eclipsed Full Moon - at which my life is about to change according to both my astrology gurus and both my solar and ascendant charts.   Perhaps it was safest to stay indoors.   Tomorrow we are going to Margate to see the Tracey Emin exhibition.  Nevertheless, I am feeling slightly excited and more open to new things than usual.  Happy!

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