Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Julian Assange....

I think people on the left are pretty outraged by him - they thought he was some sort of libertarian hero - freedom of info. is a sacred tenet of the left (the media bit that I don't belong to).  I didn't like the sound of some of the information he was making available, because it endangered people - and when I saw him on the telly I thought there was something odd about him.  I had a sharp exchange of words with a local acquaintance when the sexual assault charges came up: she insisted it was a put up job, but having formed my opinion from his appearance, speech and body language I felt he was someone who was solipsistic to the extent of perhaps being aspergic and had poor judgement about many things - this would include noticing whether a woman was saying "no" or not.

He has now taken refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy - perhaps because it doesn't have an extradition treaty with Sweden - I don't want him dragged off by the US, all I want is for him to go away, and understand that perhaps he isn't suited for public life, doesn't have the self-control, sense and judgement to make a success of it.  As I said, the meejah now all hate him, because he's made them look like prats for following him and praising him - especially the Guardian.  The guy gives off a bad vibe - if the journos didn't notice it, then perhaps the wrong people are journos - alternatively, we must assume they decided to ignore it in pursuit of a story - well, we've all ignored the inconvenient facts in pursuit of a story - whether literary or journalistic.

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