Reading while dead

Reading while dead

Friday 8 June 2012

Politics and the weather

I have noticed this blog has less and less about politics, this is not because I have lost interest, but I think because it has become so especially depressing.  There is no improvement in the economic climate, and if I dwell on this, I worry about the implications of it for M's business.  Archaeology is so tied up to the property development cycle, and now the whole thing has come to a grinding halt... this is getting on for 4 years now.  The Tories don't understand how to create economic growth - so Lord knows when it will end.  Now they are blaming the euro crisis for our woes.  I cannot quite see how, since we are not in the euro, and our economy is quite independent, although a lot of our exports are to Europe.

The Leveson enquiry has had its moments, the "comeuppance theme" that I identified in January seems to be continuing - although no sign of comeuppance for Gideon Osborne...and his mate David, unfortunately.

So of course, when in doubt, talk about the weather.   Although British weather is said to be unpredictable, the fact is that certain times of year usually offer certain weather scenarios: early June is usually a bit wet, but has usually settled down by the 7th.   Late May is often wet.   Mid July is usually fine and warm, the weather becomes unsettled in August - when the school holidays start.   Early September, when everyone has gone back to school, is also largely pleasant.  February to April/May is pretty unpredictable.  In the last few years we have had warm Februaries when one could sit in the garden and eat lunch; we have had snowbound Februaries.  Last year April was really warm and sunny - eating outdoors, sunburn, the beach, everything.  This year, cold, wet,wet,wet and miserable.  Spring has been awful - wet, and on the few sunny days, usually unpleasantly windy.   So one was feeling that by June it might be time for improvement.  Instead, we have more rain, and now gales - which, living by the sea, seem a great deal worse here.  I am sitting looking out at the street, grey clouds are progressing rapidly across the horizon - some darker than others, but no sign of a break.  There is a strong wind blowing the crab apple tree - sort of ESE wind... and there are occasional bursts of rain in the wind.  The only birds to be seen are occasional herring gulls - drifting high above the roofs, but the wind is now so strong that they are being blasted off course by it.

It is 8.00 am - I have made some notes about the novel - and I am going back to bed.  The weather definitely affects my mood and energy levels far more than I'd like -- aand this weather is frankly depressing, and ennervating.

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